The Source of Healing
I found myself living a lie. I had recovered from an addiction to drugs and alcohol many years ago, I was active in the Church, and I was going to ARP meetings, yet I was deeply involved in the awful depths of sex and pornography addictions. This led to my decision to briefly leave the Church to find a church that would accept me and my lifestyle. And I did find some that taught that what I was doing wasn’t bad. But I knew that what I was doing was wrong, and I felt that God could not accept my actions. My addictions and infidelity had placed my wife in danger, and that was impossible for me justify. I had never felt worse. I was so low that I had to reach up to touch bottom. I was out of control, and I knew I had to stop.
When I came face-to-face with the reality that my life was in danger, I knew I needed to turn things around. It was then that I decided to confess to the bishop. I had been living in a make-believe world, not caring about myself or anyone else. The bishop saw that I was in trouble, and he was concerned about me. When I finally decided to confess, I found him to be kind, compassionate, and willing to help carry my burdens. It was a huge relief to know that there was someone willing to bring me back from despair. I felt a heavy weight leave my mind, and I knew I couldn’t hide anymore. Because of my sins, I was disfellowshipped for a year. The repentance process was not easy; in fact, it was the hardest year of my life, but it was also the most rewarding. I worked hard to stay clean and pure before the Lord. After a year, I was mercifully granted full fellowship.
Today I have been sober from all addictions for four years. I am active in the Church, and I have a ward and a stake calling. I have been given a second chance. As I’ve attended ARP meetings and listened to others talk about Christ and His Atonement, I’ve realized that Christ leads the way to healing. I repent and pray daily, confessing my sins. I attend all my church meetings, and I feast upon the words of Christ and His servants. I love and serve my wife more than ever. I serve my ward and stake. I’ve sought to repair the damage I caused.
I take every chance I get to bear fervent testimony of how the Savior has healed my wounds. Life is better now. I still have problems, but I know what source to look to for strength.
I know that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Through Christ and His Atonement, anyone and everyone can heal from the disease of addiction.
*Name has been changed.